Diploma of Chaplaincy



Through this exciting program, you will receive practical and theological training on how to minister to those in need, gain greater understanding of those around you, and be empowered to make a real and lasting difference in peoples lives.

A dynamic learning environment for chaplains has been created through this award being completed in a mix of online and intensive study. All students completing the Diploma of Chaplaincy attend intensives as a part of the course and complete a practicum component of working in the field.



  • general understanding of key issues, recent scholarship and practices within the discipline area of chaplaincy, consistent with a Christian worldview
  • depth of understanding of practical fieldwork
  • technical and theoretical understanding of basic research principles and methods, and knowledge of research approaches used in the discipline area of chaplaincy.

Demonstrated ability to:

  • identify, analyse and synthesise theoretical knowledge in the discipline area of chaplaincy
  • examine complex problems or presenting issues using appropriate methodologies and theories from the discipline area of chaplaincy
  • employ specialist technical and creative skills to express ideas and perspectives related to the discipline area of chaplaincy
  • communicate effectively to transfer knowledge and specialised chaplaincy skills to peers, clients, and general audiences in diverse contexts
  • apply theoretical and technical knowledge and skills acquired within the specialist area of chaplaincy in a range of professional contexts
  • work independently, responsibly and with the level expected in a broad range of professional and chaplaincy contexts
  • collaborate in team projects to make a positive contribution toward social issues
  • undertake self-reflection and evaluation of performance for the purpose of vocational development.

คอร์สนี้อยู่ในคณะอะไร ?

Faculty of Business, Arts, Social Sciences and Education




เต็มเวลา (1 ปี)

A$12,560.00 (฿ 284,073) ต่อปี
AUD $1,570 per subject

กันยายน 2025


Alphacrucis College

Sydney Campus,

30 Cowper Street,


New South Wales,

2150, SYDNEY, Australia

เต็มเวลา (1 ปี)

A$12,560.00 (฿ 284,073) ต่อปี
AUD $1,570 per subject

กันยายน 2025


AC Adelaide Campus

1013 South Road,


South Australia,

5039, ADELAIDE, Australia



Applicants with Recent Secondary Education (within the past 2 years)

Applicants admitted on the basis of their recent secondary education must demonstrate the completion of NSW Higher School Certificate or International Baccalaureate (or the completion of the interstate or overseas equivalent qualification and result) for admission into this course.

Applicants with Vocational Education and Training (VET) Study

Applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification must demonstrate the completion of an AQF Level 3 Certificate III or higher by an authorised institution or registered training organisation for admission into this course.

Applicants with Higher Education Study
Applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a complete or partially complete higher education qualification must demonstrate the completion or partial completion of an AQF Level 5 Diploma (or higher) by an authorised institution for admission into the Diploma of Chaplaincy.

Applicants with Work and Life Experience

If you are under the age of 21 at the time of commencement, you can apply to a prescribed program of non-award study on the basis of provisional entry, and complete the provisional entry qualifying period to become a full candidate of this course.

Overseas students are required to demonstrate their English proficiency skills. Such students admitted into our programs must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 5.5 (with no score below 5.0 in any of the four skills areas).

กรุณาเช็คระดับ IELTSของคอร์ส ที่คุณต้องการสมัครให้ถูกต้อง

