The Year 11 program allows international students to improve their English skills and academic performance in the subjects they intend to pursue in the WA Universities Foundation Program (WAUFP) or the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Year 12 program.
Completion of Year 11.
Students who successfully complete Year 11 will progress into a Year 12 level course.
เมษายน 2025
Canning College
Marquis Street,
Western Australia,
6102, PERTH, Australia
Students are required to have an English standard approximately equal to IELTS 5.0 (no band less than 4.5). Students must also have satisfactory completion of Year 10 studies or equivalent.
กรุณาเช็คระดับ IELTSของคอร์ส ที่คุณต้องการสมัครให้ถูกต้อง