The Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science is a top tier academic unit among statistical and actuarial science globally. Our students and faculty explore topics such as Actuarial Science, Biostatistics, Data Science, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, & Statistics-Computing. In this program, you'll take courses such as the mathematics of finance, risk theory, and pension mathematics taught by professional actuaries in one of North Americas top actuarial schools. Meanwhile, adding computer science, arts, and various math electives will give you the combination of technical and communication skills that employers are looking for. Whether you choose the regular stream or the co-op stream, you'll graduate ready to enter a great job market with great prospects and high starting salaries. Skip the professional exams. Because the Canadian Institute of Actuaries has accredited Waterloos Actuarial Science program, you can be exempted from several of their exams. Social and academic support. Through the student-run Actuarial Science Club, you can find a mentor, get career advice, or meet new friends over board games and bubble tea.