This is a **four year degree** taught at our Hope Park campus. The **Foundation Year** aims to develop your skills so that after a year, you will be equipped with the necessary skills needed for studying the full BA Hons degree programme.**History**The study of History helps you to understand how individuals, communities and societies have lived in the past and how those past experiences have helped to shape the present world. History helps us make sense of our world and understand what may lie ahead because the future is shaped by its history in so many ways. Our History degree gives you the opportunity to study a wide-range of historical periods from the Early Modern period to more recent contemporary historical events.By studying with us, you have the opportunity to study the Tudors; Witchcraft; the court of Charles I; the British civil wars; the British Empire; European Nationalism and Imperialism; the birth of Modern Europe; The British Empire; Gender politics; Fascism, Nazism and the Holocaust; British-Irish relations and the Northern Ireland conflict; the role of food in human conflict; the Spanish Civil War; and Museum and Heritage studies.You will engage with a wide variety of historical evidence throughout the whole of your degree programme. History at Liverpool Hope is part of the supportive and friendly environment within the subject areas of History, Politics and International Relations. You will benefit from being taught by a team of recognised scholars, who have published widely in their fields and who are dedicated and experienced teachers.Throughout your degree, you will be able to take advantage of the rich library, archival, museum and heritage resources available in Liverpool and further afield. Working with resources of the many Liverpool museums forms an important part of your learning experiences. The History team run a range of fieldwork activities every year in the local area and beyond, and offers the opportunity for study visits to major European cities on an annual basis.**Philosophy & Ethics**Through close attention to the primary texts of philosophers such as Plato, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant and Nietzsche, our Philosophy and Ethics degree will help you learn to analyse and evaluate arguments, and to compose and communicate your own ideas in a reasoned way. You will have a grounding in the foundational questions of philosophy. As you progress, you will look in depth at philosophy of religion, political philosophy, applied ethics and issues of human personhood, artificial intelligence and animality.The degree is taught by a core team of critical academics who are passionate about teaching and are internationally recognised researchers and writers. This degree will equip you with the intellectual skills and perspectives needed to face the ethical and ideological challenges of the contemporary world.