This full-time, three-year Master's programme is designed for students either from UK/EU or overseas countries.
About this degree
The programme combines taught modules with a research component. Students attend teaching clinics, lectures, seminars, and carry out research leading to a project dissertation. There are supervised clinical and laboratory courses and the opportunity to observe at in-patient operating sessions.
Students undertake modules to the value of 360 credits. Year one consists of core modules to the value of (135 credits). Year two consists of core modules (135 credits) and a dissertation (90 credits). Year three (Advanced Training only) is not credit bearing.
Upon successful completion of 360 credits, you will be awarded a MClinDent in Oral Surgery (Advanced Training).
The programme aims to offer education and training in oral surgery that will provide a solid foundation for progression towards higher surgical training and/or a research career in this field. Graduates who have recently completed the programme have returned to take up positions around the world as academics and clinicians in oral surgery.
Current students, on completion of the programme, plan to sit the MOS (Membership in Oral Surgery) Tri-collegiate examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Many recently graduated students of this programme have successfully passed this exam, before embarking on the path towards Oral Surgery Specialisation in the UK, Europe and Overseas.
กันยายน 2025
UCL (University College London)
Gower Street,
WC1E 6BT, Southern England, United Kingdom
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