This program is designed for the study of music within a strong liberal arts curriculum. It offers broad coverage of the field of music with emphasis upon the study of the history and theory of music. It furnishes an appropriate background for prospective candidates for advanced degrees who are preparing for non-performance centered careers. It does not qualify the graduate for certification as a public school music teacher.
Student Learning Outcomes
Through the completion of the B.A. in Music, students will be able to:
Demonstrate competence in the knowledge and application of music theory and ear training/sight singing.
Demonstrate proficiency in piano.
Successfully complete a 15 minute performance exam on their major instrument at the end of the fourth semester of applied lessons.
Effectively communicate in writing on topics in the area of music history.
Complete a capstone that consists of a research paper, original composition, or lecture recital.
กันยายน 2025
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
5774 Stevens Hall, Room 100,
04469, United States
A graduating high school student (regardless of number of college credits taken while in high school) or a high school graduate or GED recipient who has attempted fewer than 12 college credits after graduation and is applying to a four-year bachelor’s degree program.
TOEFL (including the TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition) – minimum score of 79 (iBT) or 550 (paper-based test) .
TOEFL Essentials – minimum score of 8.5. .
IELTS (including the IELTS Indicator online test) – minimum score of 6.5. .
PTE (Pearson Test of English) – minimum score of 53. .
DET (Duolingo English Test) – minimum score of 105.
Application deadline - Fall Admission: March 1; Spring Admission: November 1
กรุณาเช็คระดับ IELTSของคอร์ส ที่คุณต้องการสมัครให้ถูกต้อง