Foundation Certificate for Business, Law and Social Sciences (3.5 Terms)

อังกฤษ สหราชอาณาจักร


Foundation Certificate for Business, Law and Social Sciences

For entry to the 1st year of an undergraduate degree at the University of Brighton. Your course length is determined mainly by your English language level (UKVI IELTS score or accepted equivalent).

All students take a set of common or similar modules to gain key skills for university. If your course is longer than 2 terms, you’ll take extra modules focusing on one or more of English language, academic skills and basic subject knowledge.

Common modules for 2-term courses:

these are taken by all students

  • English for Academic Purposes
  • Extended Project

You will also take 2 or 3 of the following modules that fit your degree and career goals

  • Contemporary Global Issues
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Intermediate Mathematics
  • Logic and Critical Thinking
  • Mathematics
  • People Society and Culture
  • Statistics

Extra support: for courses of over 2 terms, you will take additional modules from a selection of Enhancement and Extended English and Skills options (depending mainly on your IELTS score) before the modules to the left.

Students with at least UKVI IELTS 5.5: you can study a 2.5 or 3-term course that typically includes Enhancement modules to maximise your university preparation: > Critical Reading, Writing and Reasoning for Higher Education > Independent and Collaborative Study

Plus up to 2 of these modules: > Digital Applications > Preparatory Mathematics > Preparatory Statistics > UK Society and Culture

Students with less than UKVI IELTS 5.5: you will typically study Extended English and Skills modules to improve your English language level and academic skills.

Students with UKVI IELTS 4.5 or 5.0 will typically take: > English for Academic Study 3 > Independent and Collaborative Study > Reading and Writing 3 > Speaking and Listening 3

Students with UKVI IELTS 4.0 will typically take: > English for Academic Study 2 + English for Academic Study 3 > Independent and Collaborative Study > Reading and Writing 2 + Reading and Writing 3 > Speaking and Listening 2 + Speaking and Listening 3 > Study Skills Preparation

คอร์สนี้อยู่ในคณะอะไร ?

University of Brighton International College


เต็มเวลา (10.5 เดือน)

£18,780.00 (฿ 832,373) ต่อปี
The fees would be £18,780 for July 2024 intake and £19,425 for April & July 2025 intakes.


กรกฎาคม 2025


University of Brighton International College

Watts Building,

Lewes Road,


Brighton and Hove,


กรุณาเช็คระดับ IELTSของคอร์ส ที่คุณต้องการสมัครให้ถูกต้อง

